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FOX'S "Skin" Promo Commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

I can't get the song from one of 'Skin''s promo commercials out of my head. The lyrics, at one point, go something like '...this could be the start of something big, don't you agree?' That's really the only fragment of a line I can remember. If anyone knows the name/artist of this song, please e-mail me.. or Post! I'll check back!
Thanks bunches!!
# 2 20 years ago

Follow through by Gavin Degraw

# 3 20 years ago

> I know a line is 'all that i need is yOu' it almost sounds like coldplay, I don't know i'm trying to figure it out too. it's a good song
# 4 19 years ago

> I can't get the song from one of 'Skin''s promo commercials out of my head. The lyrics, at one point, go something like '...this could be the start of something big, don't you agree?' That's really the only fragment of a line I can remember. If anyone knows the name/artist of this song, please e-mail me.. or Post! I'll check back!
> Thanks bunches!!

Hey! I found the song. I was looking for it and looking for it... it's Gavin Degraw. The song is 'Follow Through'! It's a good song. Go to his site and you can listen to it!
# 5 20 years ago

Gavin Degraw - Follow Through
# 6 20 years ago

I wish I knew who sang that song myself. It comes on all the time at my work.
# 7 20 years ago

There's a song that i cant get out of my head either that they use for a sox promo. all i can think of is, 'breathe it in, breathe it in' but havent found any luck finding it, if anyone knows it, can they please email me at thank you.
# 8 20 years ago

Did you have any luck figuring this song out? I've heard it too, but I'm still looking for it.

# 9 20 years ago

The other song that is played is by Pete Yorn 'Crystal Village'.

# 10 20 years ago

Hello!! I totally was into this show and they had to go and cancel it, I think they should have just shown it on a different day bc there is a lot of competition on Mondays. What the hell. Isn't there a sight to voice this. I heard about it but can't remember. There is some webv sight to voice support, anyone that can help, I appreciate it.

# 11 20 years ago

> There's a song that i cant get out of my head either that they use for a sox promo. all i can think of is, 'breathe it in, breathe it in' but havent found any luck finding it, if anyone knows it, can they please email me at thank you.
> -ryan
Would also like to let me know if you find out :)

# 12 20 years ago

Does anybody know where I might be able to download the commercial itself for "Skin"?
# 13 20 years ago

> I can't get the song from one of 'Skin''s promo commercials out of my head. The lyrics, at one point, go something like '...this could be the start of something big, don't you agree?' That's really the only fragment of a line I can remember. If anyone knows the name/artist of this song, please e-mail me.. or Post! I'll check back!
> Thanks bunches!!
> The song is sang by Gavin Degraw "follow through"
it song is sang by Gavin Degraw "follow through"
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