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Victoria Secret Commerical "Walkin"

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# 1 20 years ago

I wanna know if someone can tell me the real title and artist to that commercial song... I dunno exactly which one it is, but a victoria secret one with angel ladies in it... If you can tell me, please do. Thanks
# 2 20 years ago

I have no idea why I'm here but it's Bob Dylan's
'love sick'. by the way, don't we hope all women
should be wearing angelwings instead of underwears?
# 3 20 years ago

> I wanna know if someone can tell me the real title and artist to that commercial song... I dunno exactly which one it is, but a victoria secret one with angel ladies in it... If you can tell me, please do. Thanks
i believe the song is by bob dylan.. and its called love sick... im not sure,,, but im checkin it out on kazaa.. so do the same!
# 4 20 years ago

Thanks! I've been trying to find out about this song, too.
I don't pay much attention to the commercials, but I'll hear that song and it kind of 'gets' to you.
At least to me.
Not that you say Bob Dylan, it does sound like something he'd write (LOL)
It doesn't sound like him singing it in the commerical though.
~ Carrie
> I have no idea why I'm here but it's Bob Dylan's
: 'love sick'. by the way, don't we hope all women
: should be wearing angelwings instead of underwears?

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