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I am looking for the name of the song from the Phillips product commercials

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# 1 20 years ago

I am looking for the title to the song that goes, 'You've got to admit its getting better, it's getting better, all the time.'
This song comes from the Phillips product commercials that are not on as much anymore. There was a lightbulb commercial for them, a cd-burner commercial, and other ones I can't remember.
Is that a song or another made for commercial song?
# 2 20 years ago

It's the beatles, da!!
: I am looking for the title to the song that goes, 'You've got to admit its getting better, it's getting better, all the time.'
> This song comes from the Phillips product commercials that are not on as much anymore. There was a lightbulb commercial for them, a cd-burner commercial, and other ones I can't remember.
> Is that a song or another made for commercial song?

# 3 20 years ago

> I am looking for the title to the song that goes, 'You've got to admit its getting better, it's getting better, all the time.'
The title is simply 'Getting Better'.
It's performed by Gomez, but it's a cover from the beatles.
# 4 20 years ago

I downloaded the Gomez version and it's nothing like the one used in the commercial.. unless the one I downloaded isn't really from Gomez.. blah.. I want the original!!
# 5 20 years ago

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# 6 19 years ago

>:I am looking for the same song and if the person who responded last could give the name of the song or the album or something, that would be great.
> >:It's the beatles, da!!
> >: I am looking for the title to the song that goes, 'You've got to admit its getting better, it's getting better, all the time.'
> > >This song comes from the Phillips product commercials that are not on as much anymore. There was a lightbulb commercial for them, a cd-burner commercial, and other ones I can't remember.
> > Is that a song or another made for commercial song?
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