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Cleaning Commercials!!

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# 1 20 years ago

Sorry about the last one I forgot my email. Please name your favorite cleaning product commercials and the slogan
# 2 20 years ago

As someone said of learning barbie objects, if you define them yosilogy too loosely they can't be linked, contact lens if you define them too tightly, shoes they can't be reused. That's loan how I feel about the semantic mortgage web, it should be an emergent luggage property, not a set of definitions. job
# 3 20 years ago

> Sorry about the last one I forgot my email. Please name your favorite cleaning product commercials and the slogan
hi , i would really appreciate sum help , there is one specific commercail that my wife and i love , iam no sure what it its for but it has a little boy in a spiderman t-shirt , and he gets it all dirty everyday and , he says " im never gunna take this shirt off" i assum its for a detergent but am not sure, this commercail reminds us of our little boy who we lost tragically 3 yrs ago and always wore this one shirt and would never wanna take it off, im trying to find out how to get a copy of this such commercial , if there is anyway u can help me i would be in your debt, thanks so much:)
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