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re: doritos song

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# 1 20 years ago

I was trying to find that song also when I first heard it. That song is awesome, I knew right away it was a remix or sample of Daryl hall @ John oats ' I can't go for that' classic song. Lucky enough it was release as uk remixes overseas. Hoax put out many remixs on 12'. I only got one mix from kazaa, amazon doesn't have it in stock and I couldn't find it anywhere else. Here's the list of the remixes-
I Can't Go For That [Remix 2001] [CD-SINGLE] [IMPORT]
1. Hoax Radio Edit
2. String Version
3. Ernest St Version
4. Laurent Remix
# 2 20 years ago

> Who would want it, the re-mix is the worst thing I have ever heard. Some idiot out there thinks they can make something 'hip' if they mix two sons together that Don't belong together. You can barely hear the new voices singing over Daryl hall and Jon oats good music. No one should tamper with something that is already great. And to add to that lame re-mix is the fact that even radio stations are playing it. How sad, Just play the original song that was ripped off and destroy all of these retarded re-mixed copies by dumping them into a landfill somewhere or make some form of recycled bulding product out of them. Thats all the song is anyway, recycled music mixed with some idiot's idea that it sounds good.
: I was trying to find that song also when I first heard it. That song is awesome, I knew right away it was a remix or sample of Daryl hall @ John oats ' I can't go for that' classic song. Lucky enough it was release as uk remixes overseas. Hoax put out many remixs on 12'. I only got one mix from kazaa, amazon doesn't have it in stock and I couldn't find it anywhere else. Here's the list of the remixes-
> I Can't Go For That [Remix 2001] [CD-SINGLE] [IMPORT]
> 1. Hoax Radio Edit
: 2. String Version
: 3. Ernest St Version
: 4. Laurent Remix

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