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Song in Nissan Quest Commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

Does anybody know the name of the song in the new nissan quest commercial. I know the band is modest mouse.
# 2 20 years ago

the song is 'Gravity Rides Everything' the song kicks asssssssss
# 3 20 years ago

Dark Center of the Universe
# 4 20 years ago

> Does anybody know the name of the song in the new nissan quest commercial. I know the band is modest mouse.
gravity rides everything on the album the moon and antarctica

# 5 20 years ago

> Does anybody know the name of the song in the new nissan quest commercial. I know the band is modest mouse.

# 6 20 years ago

modest mouse-Gravity Rides Everything

# 7 20 years ago

Dude, it's definitely Modest Mouse. I just found out about them a few weeks ago, and I've listened to them pretty much non-stop since then.
My TV was on in the background when I was surfing the internet, and I heard that commercial, and a lightbulb lit over my head. I did a search on Google and found this.
Did you find out what song it is?

# 8 20 years ago

nevermind, I'm stupid. I don't know how these post things work.
rock on bro.
I'm off to find 'the moon and antarctica' albumn

# 9 20 years ago

the song's called 'gravity rides everything'. lots of good songs, that band.
# 10 20 years ago

Its 'gravity Rides Everything'
: Does anybody know the name of the song in the new nissan quest commercial. I know the band is modest mouse.

# 11 20 years ago

yeah, its modest mouse. best band ever. buy the cd's the moon and antarctica and the other cd the lonesome crowded west

# 12 20 years ago

Modest Mouse
The Moon & Antarctica (2000)
Gravity Rides Everything
> Does anybody know the name of the song in the new nissan quest commercial. I know the band is modest mouse.

# 13 20 years ago

'Gravity Rides Everything' by Modest Mouse.
# 14 20 years ago

> Does anybody know the name of the song in the new nissan quest commercial. I know the band is modest mouse.
Dream a little dream of me?

# 15 20 years ago

so i'm a little late on this - i just saw the commercial this evening but i thought i would say something anyway. there has been a lot concern about the cheapening of art but without mention of what the art is. it is more than a song, it must be. nobody seems to care when the osmonds or a rolling stone song gets used for ads. i think that modest mouse, especially their song 'gravity rides everything' conveys a sense of excitement and passion that is inconsistent with the allure it comes to represent behind a f**king minivan.

someone on the post thought that modest mouse was not in the wrong b/c their message was at least consistent. this is a good idea but i don't think the song specifically, or the their collection of music, can be listened to as music that will help sell cars. the sense of urgency, hope(lesness), and anxiety cannot be translated through a minivan commerical.

"No one really cared for it at all,
Not the gravity plan...
I wanna go back to sleep,
In the motions and the things that you say..."

I think it is very difficult to convey the sort of genuine emotion explained here - a CAR COMMERCIAL! does not seem to be a good forum for this emotion. In this sense, I think the art is directly betrayed by this sort of consumer appeal - Buy the car b/c the commercial plays great music? (and it is great music, to be sure) - anyone who might even consider admiring this music b/c of what nissan has done to it will equally betray the music of authenticity and the ideas its structure provides for.

modest mouse can do what they like with the song - it's their music - an important question is what does this commmercial mean for the music. i'm not sure i know the complete answer to this question but:

"As fruit drops, flesh, it sags,
Everything will, fall right into place.
When we die, some sink and some lay,
But at least I wont have to see you float away."
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