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guy in Cingular Commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

I am interested to know the name of the guy in a fairly recent Cingular Wireless commercial. He looks like a guy I knew who was an aspiring actor...
The commercial is shot in black and white. He is tall and lanky. His last line is something like, 'I call it the 'They're my minutes, I'm keepin' 'em', plan.'
Please e-mail me directly with any info.
# 2 20 years ago

apparently, everyone wants to know the name of this actor who seems to be appearing in a slew of recent commercials. i would also like to know what his name is and any contact info that anyone can provide please email me directly. thanks.

: I am interested to know the name of the guy in a fairly recent Cingular Wireless commercial. He looks like a guy I knew who was an aspiring actor...
> The commercial is shot in black and white. He is tall and lanky. His last line is something like, 'I call it the 'They're my minutes, I'm keepin' 'em', plan.'
> Please e-mail me directly with any info.
> Thanks

# 3 20 years ago

yeah, ithink itis my friend joel moore. we were in teens n company together. i know he dida cingular commercial, our other cohorts have seen it, but i haven't caught it yet. anyway, your description sounds like joel...-simone
> Thanks

# 4 20 years ago

> I am interested to know the name of the guy in a fairly recent Cingular Wireless commercial. He looks like a guy I knew who was an aspiring actor...
> The commercial is shot in black and white. He is tall and lanky. His last line is something like, 'I call it the 'They're my minutes, I'm keepin' 'em', plan.'
> Please e-mail me directly with any info.
> Thanks

# 5 19 years ago

> apparently, everyone wants to know the name of this actor who seems to be appearing in a slew of recent commercials. i would also like to know what his name is and any contact info that anyone can provide please email me directly. thanks.
> : I am interested to know the name of the guy in a fairly recent Cingular Wireless commercial. He looks like a guy I knew who was an aspiring actor...
> > The commercial is shot in black and white. He is tall and lanky. His last line is something like, 'I call it the 'They're my minutes, I'm keepin' 'em', plan.'
> > Please e-mail me directly with any info.
> > Thanks
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