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American Eagle Outfiters

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# 1 20 years ago

What is the name of the song in the American Eagle Outfiters jeans commercial where they show lots of still color pictures of models wearing their cloths.. it sounds like two different songs but i know it's just one but the beginging is a man's deep voice and then there's a womans... Thanx
# 2 20 years ago

I'm assuming you're referring to this ad:
If so, it's a song called 'La Breeze' or just 'Breeze' by the band Simian.

: What is the name of the song in the American Eagle Outfiters jeans commercial where they show lots of still color pictures of models wearing their cloths.. it sounds like two different songs but i know it's just one but the beginging is a man's deep voice and then there's a womans... Thanx

# 3 20 years ago

i was wondering if anyone knows who sings a song on the "spring 1" american eagle outfitter's store CD, the one they play over the speakers. it sounds like weezer, and they say something about "darling don't you go and cut your hair, do you think it's going to make him change?..." thank you
# 4 20 years ago

> hello
> i was wondering
# 5 20 years ago

> what is the name of that sone in the commercial where its night time and the guy is throwing rocks at a house tryhing to wake a girl up or get her attention and then when he gets back to his house, he sees her on the outside of it doing the same thing to his window, throwign the rocks.
# 6 20 years ago

> > what is the name of that sone in the commercial where its night time and the guy is throwing rocks at a house tryhing to wake a girl up or get her attention and then when he gets back to his house, he sees her on the outside of it doing the same thing to his window, throwign the rocks.
> >
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