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American Eagle "Funk" tshirt song.

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# 1 20 years ago

I've been looking everywhere.. but no such luck as to what the name of the song of the new American Eagle commercial. I think it's black and white.. but i could be wrong. Some people are wearing tshirts that say 'funk' on 'em.
# 2 20 years ago

> I've been looking everywhere.. but no such luck as to what the name of the song of the new American Eagle commercial. I think it's black and white.. but i could be wrong. Some people are wearing tshirts that say 'funk' on 'em.
i,ve been looking everywhere for the same thing! if you find out please e-mail me with the answer!
# 3 20 years ago

> : I've been looking everywhere.. but no such luck as to what the name of the song of the new American Eagle commercial. I think it's black and white.. but i could be wrong. Some people are wearing tshirts that say 'funk' on 'em.
> i,ve been looking everywhere for the same thing! if you find out please e-mail me with the answer!
> I found the song! I was looking everywhere also and I finally found the amazing song. It's called 'La Breeze' by Simian. You can listen to it here:

# 4 20 years ago

It's called 'La Breeze' by Simian. Hope this is the song you meant. I was looking for it all day today and finally found it. Have fun.
# 5 20 years ago

Thankz a lot! I was looking for this song, too.

# 6 20 years ago

The band is called Simian the song is La Breeze!
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