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VW/Ipod "Pods Unite" commercial... what is that song?

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# 1 20 years ago

Hi, I'd really love some help identifying a song or artist... There's a new Beetle/Ipod commercial, very white, consisting primarily of abstract close-ups of the car... 'Pods Unite' is the slogan. At any rate, I can't figure out who did the song playing in the background. It has a Flaming Lips sort of feel to it... Help!
# 2 20 years ago

PolyPhonic Spree Light & Day

# 3 20 years ago

it's the Polyphonic Spree.
# 4 20 years ago

Hey, there's a new Ipod commercial with the person and Ipod white while the background colors are bright and florescent. What is the background song that in the lyrics goes: because u look so fine that i really wanna make u mine." HELP!!
# 5 19 years ago

> Hey, there's a new Ipod commercial with the person and Ipod white while the background colors are bright and florescent. What is the background song that in the lyrics goes: because u look so fine that i really wanna make u mine." HELP!!

it's are you gonna be my girl by Jet
# 6 19 years ago

> Hi, I'd really love some help identifying a song or artist... There's a new Beetle/Ipod commercial, very white, consisting primarily of abstract close-ups of the car... 'Pods Unite' is the slogan. At any rate, I can't figure out who did the song playing in the background. It has a Flaming Lips sort of feel to it... Help!
> It's by the Polysphoric Spree (don't know if that;s how you spell it." Night and day or something like that
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