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NEW GMC commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

Im looking for the song used in the NEW GMC commercial, not the horse one or any of the others. It shows a stadium with a retracting room, a submarine diving, and then a woman pushing a child in a stroller, then talks about how brilliant gmc engineers are, etc.
A cookie to anyone who has the answer.
# 2 20 years ago

> Im looking for the song used in the NEW GMC commercial, not the horse one but it shows a golden suv speeding along the desert panning the horizon of a light blue sky. It is strictly an instrumental song...orchestral in nature.
: A cookie to anyone who has the answer.

# 3 18 years ago

> Im looking for the song used in the NEW GMC commercial, not the horse one or any of the others. It shows a stadium with a retracting room, a submarine diving, and then a woman pushing a child in a stroller, then talks about how brilliant gmc engineers are, etc.
> A cookie to anyone who has the answer.
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