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any of the music from fox show: The OC

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# 1 20 years ago

does anyone know if there is a website that tells you what all the songs are called and are by that played on the first show of the OC?? there were some good ones played! thanks so much!
# 2 20 years ago

its from phantom planet

# 3 20 years ago

one of the songs i know, i think it was played when there was a scene around water...
slightly stoopid - sweet honey
# 4 20 years ago

if u have aol, go to keyword 'tv' then go to 'music of the oc' they have the songs and even clips of when the song was played.. good time
# 5 20 years ago

no, because nobody watched that retarded show except you.

# 6 20 years ago

hey... i dont have AOl... if anyone does could they do that and e-mail me the list? I would appriciate it alot! Thank you very much!

# 7 20 years ago

Hi there was a really good song at the end of the new years episode of the o.c. The song occurs in the very last few scenes. Lyics " nothing can compare.." I looked on kazza dont think thats the title . Please email me if you know what song is or where i can find it
# 8 20 years ago

if anybody knows wat the song at the end of the new years episode when everyone is kissing u no"nothing is better then whebn u roll the dice and swear ur love to me" can u email me at
# 9 20 years ago

what was that one song in the new years eve episode when the lyrics are"gonna get married" & i think they say " gonna start a family" who sings that song?
# 10 20 years ago

the new years evesong every1 wants is called dice by -finley quaye and beth orton your welcome
# 11 20 years ago

does anyone kno what is the song called or who is it by that plays in the backround when they are about to announce upcomming scenes from the new episodes if sum 1 knos plzz tell me
# 12 20 years ago

I am franticaly searching online to find music clips from the OC I know they play my favorite groups: The Firetheft, Mohabbi 3, Death Cab for cutie, and Ryan Adams, at least in recent episodes, but I am clueless as to the traks.
# 13 19 years ago

> does anyone know if there is a website that tells you what all the songs are called and are by that played on the all episodes of the OC?? there were some good ones played! thanks so much!
# 14 19 years ago

Anonymous user
there was an awesome new oc commerical aired last nite during the simple life is there a place to dl it?
# 15 19 years ago

> does anyone know if there is a website that tells you what all the songs are called and are by that played on the first show of the OC?? there were some good ones played! thanks so much!
yeah there is go to then click features then click weekly soundtracks then you can find every episode that has been played's music
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