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mitsubishi car commercial

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# 1 22 years ago

What is the song in the MOST current mitsubishi car commericial. It has been airing at night this week (03-11-02) There is a woman passenger who is acting like a robot and the driver (male) is laughing at her, there is another male passenger in the back. Thanks.
# 2 22 years ago

When you find out, let me know.
# 3 22 years ago

look down on the message board... i asked the same question the other day and it's answered by 'kevin'...
he said the song is a band 'dirty vegas'...
'days gone by' is perhaps the title...

he hotlinked a url for an article about the ad.

# 4 22 years ago

look down on the message board... i asked the same question the other day and it's answered by 'kevin'...
he said the song is a band 'dirty vegas'...
'days gone by' is perhaps the title...

he hotlinked a url for an article about the ad.

# 5 22 years ago

> What is the song in the MOST current mitsubishi car commericial. It has been airing at night this week (03-11-02) There is a woman passenger who is acting like a robot and the driver (male) is laughing at her, there is another male passenger in the back. Thanks.
I have been looking for that song too. I tried searching using words in the chorus 'without you' with no luck. Please write me back if u find out, and I'll do the same. Thanks

# 6 22 years ago

dirty vegas - days go by
i had the video for it (which is very cool, about a guy who dances in the same place one day each year, every year, waiting for his girl to come back), but it was in jive format, and unfortunately that format sucks and you can't watch it after it expires. now...where can i find the commercial online? i just saw it 5 min. ago on nbc for the first time :)
kevin (a different one)
# 7 22 years ago

Dirty Vegas - Days Go By
Hope this helps!

# 8 22 years ago

Days Go By
Written by Dirty Vegas
Label :Vendetta
Released: 08/07/01
Version in commerical is remixed by:
Funk Function.
Hope this help.
Can be bought here:

# 9 22 years ago

# 10 22 years ago

That song is 'Days Go By' by Dirty Vegas.
> What is the song in the MOST current mitsubishi car commericial. It has been airing at night this week (03-11-02) There is a woman passenger who is acting like a robot and the driver (male) is laughing at her, there is another male passenger in the back. Thanks.

# 11 22 years ago

The song is 'Days go By' from Hydrogen Rockers present Steve record label's a link with a clip of it.

# 12 22 years ago

> What is the song in the MOST current mitsubishi car commericial. It has been airing at night this week (03-11-02) There is a woman passenger who is acting like a robot and the driver (male) is laughing at her, there is another male passenger in the back. Thanks.
it's called Days Go By performed by Dirty Vegas
# 13 21 years ago

> : What is the song in the MOST current mitsubishi car commericial. It has been airing at night this week (03-11-02) There is a woman passenger who is acting like a robot and the driver (male) is laughing at her, there is another male passenger in the back. Thanks.
> I have been looking for that song too. I tried searching using words in the chorus 'without you' with no luck. Please write me back if u find out, and I'll do the same. Thanks
The name of the song is
Days Go By
the artist is
Dirty Vegas
if you can find the video... its worth it, if you can find a copy of the commercial, you are holding gold.

# 14 21 years ago

Don't know if I'm a little behind here but the song is called 'Days Go By' by Dirty Vegas.

>> What is the song in the MOST current mitsubishi car commericial. It has been airing at night this week (03-11-02) There is a woman passenger who is acting like a robot and the driver (male) is laughing at her, there is another male passenger in the back. Thanks.
> I have been looking for that song too. I tried searching using words in the chorus 'without you' with no luck. Please write me back if u find out, and I'll do the same. Thanks

# 15 21 years ago

The song is called 'Days go by' by the band Dirty Vegas. You can find it on I know this because they play it on the radio down here in Florida ( if you're interested in a list of more dance songs of similar popularity) It's a great song :) Enjoy!
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