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Nike Commercial

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# 1 22 years ago

I know this may be alittle dated seeing how this commercial must have been on TV for sometime now, but yesterday I saw the Nike Commercial which was sort of a music video. I found one place which called it 'Poetry In Motion', but did not offer the video itself. If anyone knows where I can get a copy of it or download a version of it I would really appreciate it. Oh yeah, I'm just a wondering web seeker so if you could e-mail me the responce that'd be appreciated as well.
# 2 20 years ago

you've probably found this already, but the commercial is at rsa films website under jake scott's commercial reel, (ridley scott assoctaition, jake is his son)
# 3 20 years ago

> I know this may be alittle dated seeing how this commercial must have been on TV for sometime now, but yesterday I saw the Nike Commercial which was sort of a music video. I found one place which called it 'Poetry In Motion', but did not offer the video itself. If anyone knows where I can get a copy of it or download a version of it I would really appreciate it. Oh yeah, I'm just a wondering web seeker so if you could e-mail me the responce that'd be appreciated as well.
> i no wot u mean. i a big pharrell fan and i want the music from a nike advert aswell. the one with the stick men in it. but i cant find it. can someone help me aswell plz. its called hoops i think thanxxx
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