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Song in Nike "There's more fast out there" commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

I'm trying to find some info on the song in one of the new Nike running commercials. The commercial shows a woman running and talking about her body and mile times - 'You see that, that's 51 years old'. It's a reggae song and the only lyrics I can pick out are 'Make me look' and 'Uh-huh'. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
p.s. - you can view the commercial at nike running's homepage: It's titled 'Kathryn'.

# 2 20 years ago

I've been madly googling around trying to find that song too....your post was the closest i've been. anyone?
# 3 20 years ago

> I'm trying to find some info on the song in one of the new Nike running commercials. The commercial shows a woman running and talking about her body and mile times - 'You see that, that's 51 years old'. It's a reggae song and the only lyrics I can pick out are 'Make me look' and 'Uh-huh'. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
> p.s. - you can view the commercial at nike running's homepage: It's titled 'Kathryn'.
Waap You Waa' by the Upsetters, from
their 1973 album Double Seven.

# 4 20 years ago

Did you find out? I'd like to find out too.
It's been in my head all day.
> I'm trying to find some info on the song in one of the new Nike running commercials. The commercial shows a woman running and talking about her body and mile times - 'You see that, that's 51 years old'. It's a reggae song and the only lyrics I can pick out are 'Make me look' and 'Uh-huh'. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
> p.s. - you can view the commercial at nike running's homepage: It's titled 'Kathryn'.

# 5 20 years ago

Is the not a great commercial, I called Nike, they told me that the song was made for them by the ELIAS GROUP MIXES and that the song was not available for public sale. They did not have a number for the group nor were they able to tell me the original song that the got the mix from??? If you know anything else please let me know!

# 6 20 years ago

i've been lookin' for that song all day today and i can't come up with it either. if you've found it could ya tell me it please.
# 7 20 years ago

> I'm trying to find some info on the song in one of the new Nike running commercials. The commercial shows a woman running and talking about her body and mile times - 'You see that, that's 51 years old'. It's a reggae song and the only lyrics I can pick out are 'Make me look' and 'Uh-huh'. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. its Waap You Waa
> p.s. - you can view the commercial at nike running's homepage: It's titled 'Kathryn'.

# 8 20 years ago

> I'm trying to find some info on the song in one of the new Nike running commercials. The commercial shows a woman running and talking about her body and mile times - 'You see that, that's 51 years old'. It's a reggae song and the only lyrics I can pick out are 'Make me look' and 'Uh-huh'. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
> p.s. - you can view the commercial at nike running's homepage: It's titled 'Kathryn'.
# 9 20 years ago

> I'm trying to find some info on the song in one of the new Nike running commercials. The commercial shows a woman running and talking about her body and mile times - 'You see that, that's 51 years old'. It's a reggae song and the only lyrics I can pick out are 'Make me look' and 'Uh-huh'. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
> p.s. - you can view the commercial at nike running's homepage: It's titled 'Kathryn'.
# 10 20 years ago

> I'm trying to find some info on the song in one of the new Nike running commercials. The commercial shows a woman running and talking about her body and mile times - 'You see that, that's 51 years old'. It's a reggae song and the only lyrics I can pick out are 'Make me look' and 'Uh-huh'. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
> p.s. - you can view the commercial at nike running's homepage: It's titled 'Kathryn'.
# 11 20 years ago

> I'm trying to find some info on the song in one of the new Nike running commercials. The commercial shows a woman running and talking about her body and mile times - 'You see that, that's 51 years old'. It's a reggae song and the only lyrics I can pick out are 'Make me look' and 'Uh-huh'. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
> p.s. - you can view the commercial at nike running's homepage: It's titled 'Kathryn'.
# 12 20 years ago

> I'm trying to find some info on the song in one of the new Nike running commercials. The commercial shows a woman running and talking about her body and mile times - 'You see that, that's 51 years old'. It's a reggae song and the only lyrics I can pick out are 'Make me look' and 'Uh-huh'. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
> p.s. - you can view the commercial at nike running's homepage: It's titled 'Kathryn'.
# 13 20 years ago

> I'm trying to find some info on the song in one of the new Nike running commercials. The commercial shows a woman running and talking about her body and mile times - 'You see that, that's 51 years old'. It's a reggae song and the only lyrics I can pick out are 'Make me look' and 'Uh-huh'. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
> p.s. - you can view the commercial at nike running's homepage: It's titled 'Kathryn'.
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