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Austin Mini Ad Music

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# 1 22 years ago

Checked the website, e-mailed them twice and still no luck.
The song's lyrics go something like
'My money's on the little guy
on the original, on the small fry
cuz the bigger they are, the harder they're gonna fall
My money's on the little guy
he can keep it close, or he can take it outside
One day, you're really gonna show them all.'
PLEASE I can't get this song out of my head. I need the artist or title
Any help would be greatly appreaciated
# 2 22 years ago

The Ab
lol i emailed the site once also. No reply from them. :(
# 3 22 years ago

Recently, I have taken an extreme liking to that song from the Austin Mini commercial. You know, it goes something like, 'My money's on the little guy'. I have e-maild once, but they can't tell me song due to copyright laws. If you can find the name and band of this song, it would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
# 4 22 years ago

Song (music & lyrics) was written specifically for BMW -- in other words, can't buy it in stores.
But can check out the commercial clip
# 5 22 years ago

I also emailed the Mini Company. Here is their response:
'The song featured in the MINI commercial is called 'My money's on the little guy'! Unfortunately, because of copyright laws, we are unable to disclose any information regarding this song.'
# 6 22 years ago

you wanna know the name of the song? The name is 'mini anthem' but you won't have much luck finding the song itself. It's very hard to find and I think that is was only made for the mini commercial.
# 7 22 years ago

I'm in the same boat - can't find that song / can't get a reply / and can't get it out of my head.
If you find anything, pls. share it with me ! Thanks !

# 8 22 years ago

I want the song too but can't find it, if you find it can you email me please. Thanks
# 9 22 years ago

The song -- which is fan-friggin'-tastic -- was written by a Canadian company called Pirate. Here's a link to a page on their site describing the song's genesis and linking to the ad itself.
# 10 22 years ago

I was craving the song too, so I did my own research and found that it was created by an ad company in Canada. Their website is
Check out their 'Spot of the Week' archive, and look for BMW/Austin Mini ad and you'll find a little thing on it. I wish it was an entire song but it was just created for the commercial. Also, can't download the song and it's been hard to find...anyways, hope this helped

> Checked the website, e-mailed them twice and still no luck.
: The song's lyrics go something like
: 'My money's on the little guy
: on the original, on the small fry
: cuz the bigger they are, the harder they're gonna fall
> My money's on the little guy
: he can keep it close, or he can take it outside
: One day, you're really gonna show them all.'
> PLEASE I can't get this song out of my head. I need the artist or title
> Any help would be greatly appreaciated

# 11 22 years ago

Hey... this song was written only for this commercial.

: Checked the website, e-mailed them twice and still no luck.
: The song's lyrics go something like
: 'My money's on the little guy
: on the original, on the small fry
: cuz the bigger they are, the harder they're gonna fall
> My money's on the little guy
: he can keep it close, or he can take it outside
: One day, you're really gonna show them all.'
> PLEASE I can't get this song out of my head. I need the artist or title
> Any help would be greatly appreaciated

# 12 22 years ago

well i have to say i dont have the answer but i have been looking for several months as well...if you get an answer can u please mail me?
If i get an answer i will gladly mail you..(i know the dilemna ur in =/
# 13 22 years ago

> Checked the website, e-mailed them twice and still no luck.
: The song's lyrics go something like
: 'My money's on the little guy
: on the original, on the small fry
: cuz the bigger they are, the harder they're gonna fall
> My money's on the little guy
: he can keep it close, or he can take it outside
: One day, you're really gonna show them all.'
> PLEASE I can't get this song out of my head. I need the artist or title
> Any help would be greatly appreaciated
Hi Marcus,
The clip is custom for Mini by ac ompany called Pirate Radio and Television. You can view their website at Sorry, what you've heard is apparently all there is of the song, though you're right, it sticks in your head and has a great groove

# 14 22 years ago

> Checked the website, e-mailed them twice and still no luck.
: The song's lyrics go something like
: 'My money's on the little guy
: on the original, on the small fry
: cuz the bigger they are, the harder they're gonna fall
> My money's on the little guy
: he can keep it close, or he can take it outside
: One day, you're really gonna show them all.'
> PLEASE I can't get this song out of my head. I need the artist or title
> Any help would be greatly appreaciated

# 15 22 years ago

try this
>> Checked the website, e-mailed them twice and still no luck.
:> The song's lyrics go something like
:> 'My money's on the little guy
:> on the original, on the small fry
:> cuz the bigger they are, the harder they're gonna fall
>> My money's on the little guy
:> he can keep it close, or he can take it outside
:> One day, you're really gonna show them all.'
>> PLEASE I can't get this song out of my head. I need the artist or title
>> Any help would be greatly appreaciated

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