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# 1 20 years ago

Okay, has anyone seen the commercial where the kids are chasing after the ice cream truck and the song thats playing is like 'Ice cream man...on my street...i like your truck outside, its really neat'?? Does anyone know where I can find the lyrics to that song, or even better what its called!? Help...
# 2 20 years ago

not much help
its that khols commerical right?
i think its by some musical group from the states.
> Okay, has anyone seen the commercial where the kids are chasing after the ice cream truck and the song thats playing is like 'Ice cream man...on my street...i like your truck outside, its really neat'?? Does anyone know where I can find the lyrics to that song, or even better what its called!? Help...

# 3 20 years ago

The answer to your question has already been answered on this site....just look around for it.

: its that khols commerical right?
: i think its by some musical group from the states.
>> Okay, has anyone seen the commercial where the kids are chasing after the ice cream truck and the song thats playing is like 'Ice cream man...on my street...i like your truck outside, its really neat'?? Does anyone know where I can find the lyrics to that song, or even better what its called!? Help...

# 4 20 years ago

> its that khols commerical right?
: i think its by some musical group from the states.
>> Okay, has anyone seen the commercial where the kids are chasing after the ice cream truck and the song thats playing is like 'Ice cream man...on my street...i like your truck outside, its really neat'?? Does anyone know where I can find the lyrics to that song, or even better what its called!? Help...
I FOUND IT!!!! FINALLY! Heh...not exactly sure where u can find the lyrics but...Jonathan Richman And The Modern Lovers...title: of course: Ice Cream Man Hope you find it :)

# 5 20 years ago

Ice cream man (ice cream man)
Down my street
I like your truck outside
It's really neat
Ice cream man (ice cream man)
Upon my block
I like your ringing bells
They really rock
Ice cream man (ice cream man)
Please ring your bell (ding-ding)
And play that music
That I've grown to love (ding-ding)
That's all they have in the commercial, but I'm 99% sure of those lyrics, a bunch of collegues of mine were all singing them. So, yeah. If you find the person who made the song, please email me. Thanks...
# 6 20 years ago


Well now, ice cream man, (ice cream man) upon my street
I heard your truck outside, (ice cream man) it's really neat
Ice cream man, (ice cream man) upon my block
Your little chimes,they reel and they rock
Ice cream man,(ice cream man) ring your bell (ding ding)
Play the music (ice cream ...) I've (... man) learned to love so well (ding ding)
Ice cream man, (ice cream man) ring your chimes (ding ding)
In the afternoon so fine.
Ice cream man, (ice cream man) upon my street
I heard your truck today, it was a-neat, a-neat, a-neat
Ice cream man, (ice cream man) upon my block now,
Your chimes, (your chimes they reel and rock)
Now, ice cream man, (ice cream man) upon my street
Your little truck, you know, (ice cream man) is a-neat, neat
And ice cream man, (ice cream man) upon my block,
I heard your chimes, I know they reel and they rock

Ice cream man, (ice cream man) on my street
Your little truck, you know, is a-neat, a-neat, a-neat
Ice cream man, (ice cream man) upon my block,
Your chimes, (your chimes, they reel and rock)
Ice cream man, (ice cream man) upon my street,
You heard your truck today, it's (ice cream man ) neat, neat
Ice cream man, (ice cream man) ring your chimes
In the afternoon so fine.
One more time...
Ice cream man, (ice cream man) ring your bell, (ding ding)
Play the music I've (ice cream man) learned to love (ding ding)
Ice cream man, (ice cream man) ring your chimes (ding ding)
In the afternoon so fine

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