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Help finding an Unknown song off the radio

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# 1 20 years ago

I Heard this one song off the radio and I have it stuck in my brain.Part of the Lyrics say 'Stupid A** Suckers such a bad motherf*** and something else...I heard it off a rock station....So can anyone help me????
# 2 20 years ago

no, loser
shut the fuck up and go away.
# 3 20 years ago

> I Heard this one song off the radio and I have it stuck in my brain.Part of the Lyrics say 'Stupid A** Suckers such a bad motherf*** and something else...I heard it off a rock station....So can anyone help me????
> ya I'll give ya some help. get a anger management class. you sound really disturbed
# 4 20 years ago

The song is 'Stoopid Ass' by Grand Theft's available on the 'Dude Where's My Car' soundtrack
# 5 20 years ago

> The song is 'Stoopid Ass' by Grand Theft's available on the 'Dude Where's My Car' soundtrack
Thanx drew,and as for you other two: Suck a dick,NEXT!
# 6 20 years ago

'All your shouting and your cursing make me feel like I'm not a person'
Above are the lyrics to a song I heard on the radio please help me identify the song and artist.

# 7 20 years ago

> I Heard this one song off the radio and I have it stuck in my brain.Part of the Lyrics say 'Stupid A** Suckers such a bad motherf*** and something else...I heard it off a rock station....So can anyone help me????
I think that the name of the band is 'Grand Theft Audio'. I cant remember the name of the song though. Good Luck!
# 8 20 years ago

r allen
> 'All your shouting and your cursing make me feel like I'm not a person'
> Above are the lyrics to a song I heard on the radio please help me identify the song and artist.
# 9 20 years ago

> I Heard this one song off the radio and I have it stuck in my brain.Part of the Lyrics say cha cha with the right and cha cha with the left; you turn to the right and move to the left now back it up and jump. I heard it on KKDA radio station.....So can anyone help me????
# 10 20 years ago

> I Heard this one song off the radio and I have it stuck in my brain.Part of the Lyrics say 'D-Town Boggie in my mind" Can you help me find this song title? IT was on a house and mix radio station
# 11 19 years ago

> > I Heard this one song off the radio and I have it stuck in my brain.Part of the Lyrics say 'Stupid A** Suckers such a bad motherf*** and something else...I heard it off a rock station....So can anyone help me????
> > ya I'll give ya some help. get a anger management class. you sound really disturbed
# 12 18 years ago

>>> HI ive been wanting to find this one song..its driving me insane... all i can remember is one part goes " how long will you wait for me, yeah, how long will you -something...its a slow song with a really calming guitar cords.....PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! HELP ME FIND THIS SONG!!! i heard it on KWOD 2.0...THX!
# 13 18 years ago

Please help,

I am the worst subject here. I heard a song on the radio a cople of days ago. I havnt heard it since. I cant remember any words it goes doo doo....doooo do it is sort of like a chorus. it is a slower song and i think it is pretty new. it sort of sounds like john mayer or something........if you can help great!
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