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sony walkman minidisc commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

does anybody know what the title of the song that they use in the new sony commercial with the blue alien? (this commercial is the one where a lot of people go to the beach and have a dance party at night).
# 2 20 years ago

If it's the one with Hawaiian music
in the background, that is Israel
Kamakawiwo`ole and it is off his 'Facing
Future' album. The song is called 'Henehene Kou
`Aka' and is also on the CD that featured
'Over the Rainbow' from the EToys ad, the
Party of Five tv series and Meet Joe
Black movie. If you love the music, check
out which streams island
music 24/7. I know this because I work here.
I wrote up a webpage on Iz for your perusal.

# 3 20 years ago

If it's the one with Hawaiian music
in the background, that is Israel
Kamakawiwo`ole and it is off his 'Facing
Future' album. The song is called 'Henehene Kou
`Aka' and is also on the CD that featured
'Over the Rainbow' from the EToys ad, the
Party of Five tv series and Meet Joe
Black movie. If you love the music, check
out which streams island
music 24/7. I know this because I work here.
I wrote up a webpage on Iz for your perusal.

# 4 20 years ago

The artist is the late Israel Kamakawiwo'ole. The song is 'Henehene Kou 'Aka' from his Facing Future CD.

: does anybody know what the title of the song that they use in the new sony commercial with the blue alien? (this commercial is the one where a lot of people go to the beach and have a dance party at night).

# 5 20 years ago

yeah i'd like to know this too. it's driving me insane. anyone know it? or maybe know some of the lyrics in it? thanks
> does anybody know what the title of the song that they use in the new sony commercial with the blue alien? (this commercial is the one where a lot of people go to the beach and have a dance party at night).

# 6 20 years ago

Does anybody know what R&B group originally sang the song that they use in the new sony commercial? The lyrics start with, 'Honey You Are My Shining Star....

# 7 19 years ago

> Does anybody know what R&B group originally sang the song that they use in the new sony commercial? The lyrics start with, 'Honey You Are My Shining Star....
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