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I need this song

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# 1 20 years ago

(first line)
We're the bank for busy people......
SI Bank and Trust
The Bank for you
SI Bank and Trust
The Bank for you
Can anyone help? I posted a week or so ago,maybe someone has figured it out?

# 2 20 years ago

Ok, apparently the commercial is for SI Bank and Trust, so Im thinking maybe the song is an original composition written for it,but imnot sure who does it. Maybe Bonjovi or The Beach Boys, or possibly Air Supply!

: Can anyone help me with this? I cant figure out what song this is,I think its an old T-rex or David Bowie song. I cant remember what the commercial is for, but the song goes:
> (first line)
: We're the bank for busy people......
> (chorus)
: SI Bank and Trust
: The Bank for you
: SI Bank and Trust
: The Bank for you
> Can anyone help? I posted a week or so ago,maybe someone has figured it out?

# 3 20 years ago

> Ok, apparently the commercial is for SI Bank and Trust, so Im thinking maybe the song is an original composition written for it,but imnot sure who does it. Maybe Bonjovi or The Beach Boys, or possibly Air Supply!
:> Can anyone help me with this? I cant figure out what song this is,I think its an old T-rex or David Bowie song. I cant remember what the commercial is for, but the song goes:
>> (first line)
:> We're the bank for busy people......
>> (chorus)
:> SI Bank and Trust
:> The Bank for you
:> SI Bank and Trust
:> The Bank for you
>> Can anyone help? I posted a week or so ago,maybe someone has figured it out?
i think i know who it is,actually i believe its original and i know the singer personally, his name is robert santangelo
a while back he wrote a song for staten island when we almost became our own city

# 4 20 years ago

hi i know who did the song, his name is robert santangelo and he lives in staten island. he is a personel friend of mine and he writes songs for a long time. apparently he now wrote a hit!
:> Can anyone help me with this? I cant figure out what song this is,I think its an old T-rex or David Bowie song. I cant remember what the commercial is for, but the song goes:
>> (first line)
:> We're the bank for busy people......
>> (chorus)
:> SI Bank and Trust
:> The Bank for you
:> SI Bank and Trust
:> The Bank for you
>> Can anyone help? I posted a week or so ago,maybe someone has figured it out?

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