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Bacardi Breezer commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

Can anybody tell me what he title of the song in the 'new' Bacardi Breezer commercial (the one with the tennis balls thrown from the roof) is???
# 2 20 years ago

> Can anybody tell me what he title of the song in the 'new' Bacardi Breezer commercial (the one with the tennis balls thrown from the roof) is???
: Thanks!!!
The Flirts - Passion (Instrumental)
# 3 20 years ago

> Can anybody tell me what he title of the song in the 'new' Bacardi Breezer commercial (the one with the tennis balls thrown from the roof) is???
: Thanks!!!

I also want to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

# 4 20 years ago

> : Can anybody tell me what he title of the song in the 'new' Bacardi Breezer commercial (the one with the tennis balls thrown from the roof) is???
:> Thanks!!!
> The Flirts - Passion (Instrumental)
# 5 20 years ago

The songs is from Felix da Housecat and is called
Silver screen but this a remix with beats from Divine (shoot your shot?) under it.
I don't know the exact remix.
If i find the right remix, i will let you know.
Grtz Mcjack
# 6 20 years ago

> Can anybody tell me what he title of the song in the 'new' Bacardi Breezer commercial (the one with the tennis balls thrown from the roof) is???
: Thanks!!!
Any idea where to get the MP3 file?

# 7 20 years ago

> Can anybody tell me what he title of the song in the 'new' Bacardi Breezer commercial (the one with the tennis balls thrown from the roof) is???
: Thanks!!!

# 8 20 years ago

2 Many Dj's> the 'o' medley (Bobby orlando)
# 9 20 years ago

> :> Can anybody tell me what he title of the song in the 'new' Bacardi Breezer commercial (the one with the tennis balls thrown from the roof) is???
:> : Thanks!!!
>> The Flirts - Passion (Instrumental)
> THANKS!!!!
Sorry about the wrong info, I got two titles mixed up, it is off course Felix Da Housecat - Silver Screen.

# 10 20 years ago

> Can anybody tell me what he title of the song in the 'new' Bacardi Breezer commercial (the one with the tennis balls thrown from the roof) is???
: Thanks!!!
'Siverscreen Shower Scene' by Felix Da Housecat ft. Miss Kitten

# 11 20 years ago

The band is Too many dj's. The cd
is called Silver Screen and has only one song, a mix from Divine, Soulwax and Felix da Housecat.
I've downloaded a few MP3's, but haven't found
the exact version yet. (search with Google: 'Silver Screen MP3')
Greetingz, Peter
# 12 20 years ago

> Can anybody tell me what he title of the song in the 'new' Bacardi Breezer commercial (the one with the tennis balls thrown from the roof) is???
: Thanks!!!

# 13 20 years ago

> Can anybody tell me what he title of the song in the 'new' Bacardi Breezer commercial (the one with the tennis balls thrown from the roof) is???
: Thanks!!!
Felix da housecat / Silverscreen
# 14 20 years ago

> : Can anybody tell me what he title of the song in the 'new' Bacardi Breezer commercial (the one with the tennis balls thrown from the roof) is???
:> Thanks!!!
> Felix da housecat / Silverscreen

# 15 20 years ago

> Can anybody tell me what he title of the song in the 'new' Bacardi Breezer commercial (the one with the tennis b***s thrown from the roof) is???
> Thanks!!!
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