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Miss Match

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# 1 20 years ago

Does ne 1 know the name of the song in NBC's promo for their new series Miss Match ? It goes 'she's not just a pretty face.' Thanx
# 2 20 years ago

> Does ne 1 know the name of the song in NBC's promo for their new series Miss Match ? It goes 'she's not just a pretty face.' Thanx
As far as I know, this sounds like a possible edition if Shania Twain's 'She's Not Just A Pretty Face'. I say 'possible edition' because I am not sure if it sounds like the Shania Twain song.
# 3 20 years ago

Hey there... I really like that song too...
It's actually called 'She's not just a pretty face' and Shania Twain sings it... I have tried to DL it off line but I can't seem to find any copies that aren't marked... they do some weird noise to block out the song.
Hope that helps! Good luck! And watch the show this fall - it looks real cute!

: Does ne 1 know the name of the song in NBC's promo for their new series Miss Match ? It goes 'she's not just a pretty face.' Thanx

# 4 20 years ago

Shania Twain sings it

: Does ne 1 know the name of the song in NBC's promo for their new series Miss Match ? It goes 'she's not just a pretty face.' Thanx

# 5 20 years ago

Miss Match herself
I sure do! The song is called 'She's not just a pretty face' and it is sung by one of my dear friends, Miss Shania Twain! Thanks for the post, and please watch the show! I thank you for your interest. -Alicia
# 6 20 years ago

> Does ne 1 know the name of the song in NBC's promo for their new series Miss Match ? It goes 'she's not just a pretty face.' Thanx
The song is 'She's Not Just a Pretty Face', and it's by Shania Twain from her latest CD, 'Up!'. She did two versions of all the tracks; the first disc is the country versions, and the second disc is the more 'rock' versions. Both CDs are in the case so you don't have to buy them separately. Anyway, the song is the third track on both CDs; but the one in the commercial sounds a bit more like the rock version than the country version.

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