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sheer blonde advert

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# 1 20 years ago

wot is the name of the song and the group that sing on the sheer blonde advert, they are two women thats all i know!!!!!!!!
# 2 20 years ago

not a real group - actresses are alex and brittany smith, or so I hear from other discussions on the web, hope this helps, don't know anything else 'bout them
# 3 20 years ago

> wot is the name of the song and the group that sing on the sheer blonde advert, they are two women thats all i know!!!!!!!!

# 4 20 years ago

The name of the two ladies are Alex and Brit. They're the Smith sisters. As for the song, I don't think it is an actual song, just one made for the commercial. Hope this helps a little :)

# 5 20 years ago

Hi, I am desperately looking for the lastest picture of the sheer blonde girls, Brittany and Alex Smith as I want my hair cut like one of them!! Ive been looking for ages! The latest pic is them with slightly longer hair than useually, just past shoulder length. Please if anybody can help please email me on


# 6 20 years ago

> Hey, my friend saw a sheer blonde commercial i think the same one you (laura) are talking about she said it would look good on me, but i havent seen this commericial. If yu have heard from anyone where i can view it. can you please let me know! Thanks!!
# 7 20 years ago

> Hey, my friend saw a sheer blonde commercial i think the same one you (laura) are talking about she said it would look good on me, but i havent seen this commericial. If yu have heard from anyone where i can view it. can you please let me know! Thanks!!
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