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Clipland Forum TV Commercials Who is the woman in the Sears Blue Appliance Crew commercial?

Message: Who is the woman in the Sears Blue Appliance Crew commercial?

Posted by chris2webby on 15 years ago
I've seen this woman in a few commercials, and this is the latest I've seen her in. She looks maybe 30 something years old, and has kinda short, black hair, somewhat curly.

This commercial I saw her in was a Sears Blue Appliance Crew Commercial. She was the customer in the commercial, looking at washing machines or something. The sales guy was talking to her, and pointed to a group of people behind her, which consisted of "wacky" characters, like a man on a horse, a scientist, I can't remember them all. The sales guy said "Who are they?" and the woman said something along the lines of "oh they're my low price guys" or something.

Anyone know this woman?
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